I know that my pictures look a hot mess but this is what I want to see in my community. The first picture is a sketch of my vision for the vacant lot that is across the street from Houseman Playground on Godfrey and Summerdale Avenue in Philadelphia, PA. When I was conducting a survery about the needs of my community, the people that I interviewed down to the the youngest one said that our community needs more activites for the kids. We have a playground, but it's not always the best place to be at. Primarily because there is very to do, and trash, glass, drugs, diapers, and bullets lying around. I know this to be a fact because of my short venture there on the Fourth of July. The swings for the older kids are missing, the see-saw for the little kids had to be removed, the swing set for the little kids are wrapped up around the bars so high that it's rediculous, and just abot everywhere on the vecinatey has graffiti on it. Also, they don't have much acess to it for people who are handi-capped. That is my vision for the Housemen in the Second picture. I also want Houseman to be able to buy the vacant lot across the street from them to create the Creation Station for the kids and teens in our community. The Create Station would be an outlet for kids to show off their skills and to help them to expand upon what they're good at. It'd be an area for painting, dancing, scuplturing, baking, singing, inventing, drawing, etc. Anything that the child was good at they could show everybody there. In my case it would be photography, poetry, and singing. I would just like to know what the other kids in my community can do and make friends with them because that's what this is all about.
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