Thursday, June 7, 2012

Charlie Sheen

Right now I'm in my 3rd period class and we're watching Platoon. One of the main character is played by Charlie Sheen. I was just thinking about the dramatic change his life has taken since he went insane.  That is what drinking does to you I guess. Makes you all crazy.  Nobody even really remembers the sober side of Charlie anymore. All we see when we look at Charlie is the crazy, funny, free-spirited drunk that made Two and a Half Men,  a hit series show on channel 17. The show has changed quite a lot during this past season now that Charlie on the show is now dead. Allan has gone insane,  Ashton Kutcher has taken over the house, and well let's face it, Jake is still Jake, the dumb funny kid who has grown up quite a bit over the years. I was thinking from watching the movie, where did the level-headed Charlie Sheen go? It's like the Vodka and other assorted drink have taken over his life. He's lost not only his mind, but his job too. The director of Two and a Half Men got fed up with Charlie's substance abuse and said that if Charlie didn't get some help, he'd be gone by the next session, and that's exactly what happened. In my opinion, and probably a few other's, the show just isn't the same without him. No offense to Ashton, I mean he's trying his best, but it's just not good enough. The show used to make me laugh so hard that I'd have tears pouring down my face. Now, I laugh every once and a while. Like that episode where Charlie pays Allan a visit in his fake lady body from hell. He comes there just to screw Allan over just like the good old days. Now Allan feels more insane than ever! That made me laugh a lot. I miss the old Charlie Sheen he was a lot more fun. Well, I gotta go! TTYL.

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